Textiles and beadwork from Nepal Olive Oil, Dates, Soap and more from Palestine Global Toilet Twinning stall Preloved Book sale Children's Toys stalls Clothing Sale Refreshments will be available throughout the day: Soup, Homemade Cakes and Fairtrade Hot Drinks We will be joined at this event by People in Motion, who provide volunteers, clothing, tents, blankets and food for refugees. They will be selling items of clothing to raise funds for their fantastic cause. Please bring along any unwanted items of clothing you would like to donate! Supporting The Fairtrade Association and SPACE (Suckley Parish Academy and Community Enterprises) For updates please follow our Facebook event page. Saturday 2 March 2019, 11am-3pm at Suckley Church |
Come and celebrate the fact that we now have the beginnings of a great new community venue here in the heart of the village. Enjoy Suckley's best dance floor, from 7pm! Suckley's very own Lynne and Dave Barker and their Ceilidh band Stone the Crows will keep us on our toes. Suckley's own brewers from The Hop Shed Brewery will be there too with beer, wine and soft drinks, so enjoy Suckley in style and bring your friends. Tickets from Suckley Village Shop: adults: £10, family ticket £20, including a light supper Saturday 19 January 2019, 7pm at Suckley Church |
with tea and cake at 5pm, then Carols and Candles at 5.30pm followed by the lighting of the Suckley Tree of Light. The Tree of Light will continue to shine throughout the Christmas season. If you would like to shine a light in memory of a loved one on the beautiful blue cedar tree at the front of Suckley Church, please fill in a form (from the back of the church or Suckley Village Shop) and and it back to the Village Shop with the money. The cost is £5 per name per light. The Suckley Family Orchestra will be playing carols at this event. If you would like to play in this informal mixed-ability group please phone Anne Lewis (884552) and she will make sure that there is a music score for you. Sunday 9 December 2018, 5pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 2 December 2018, 11am at Suckley Church |
Sunday 25 November 2018, 9.30am at Suckley Church |
Thursday 22 November 2018, 10am at Suckley Church |
performed by the Community Choir and friends. First performance of a new work by Lynn Norris. Solo items from Sophie Ruane, Ina Steele, Lucas Ball, Arthur Bancroft, Jeremy Morfey and Alan Matthews. Tickets £5 to include soup, bread, cheese and cake. Wine available by donation. Further information: www.alfrickcommunitychoir.com or 07771 600 776 Saturday 17 November 2018, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 11 November 2018, 10.45am at the War Memorial, Old Quarry, Longley Green |
Organ/piano: Lucas Ball with The Community Choir at Alfrick Please note: this event has moved from Leigh Rectory because of the bad weather. Sunday 29 July 2018, 11am at Leigh Church |
including first performances of new pieces by Lynn Norris and June Seymour / Keith Bramich, plus another chance to hear 'The Ballad of Molly and Ewan'. Community Choir at Alfrick, with Arthur Bancroft, Lucas Ball, Claire Jaggers, Lou Ruane and Ian Armstrong. Buffet supper. Bar available. Raffle Tickets £10 per head from Alfrick Community Shop or from choir members Info: www.alfrickcommunitychoir.com or 07771 600 776 Saturday 12 May 2018, 7.30pm at Alfrick Village Hall |
We shall also be running a plant sale. It was a great success last year, and people were able to buy flower and vegetable plants at reasonable prices. It was also a good way of 'recycling' excess plants. We always grow too many seedlings, don’t we? We are more than happy to take them off your hands along with any plants that you have divided. Just bring them along on the day – we shall be very grateful. Saturday 12 May 2018 at Suckley Village Hall |
suspense and mystery, performed by Alfrick Players. Tickets from Alfrick Village Shop, at £8 (under 16, £4) Thursday-Saturday 3-5 May 2018, 7.30pm at Alifrick Village Hall |
Parents are welcome to join us and will be invited to enjoy a cuppa and some cake whilst their youngsters are busy. Cost £2.50 per child excluding face painting, or £3.50 with face painting. Saturday 24 March 2018, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
To sign up as a volunteer for the Womble to clean up the parish, please text Catherine Armstrong on 07900 421388, email her on cathyc2@hotmail.co.uk or visit Suckley Post Office. For health and safety reasons, litter pickers need to work in pairs, so please volunteer with a friend or family member. Meet for a short briefing at the Unity Brewery and collect litter picking equipment. Return the rubbish to the Brewery at 1pm, then enjoy a well-deserved beer and casserole (with vegetarian option available). Saturday 17 March 2018, 11am, meeting at the Unity Brew House |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 12 March 2018, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
A free pint or soft drink and some buffet-style deli food is on offer. Although the date to RSVP for this event has passed, it may still be possible to take part by contacting Lucy on 01905 759759 or lucy@wbrc.org.uk Saturday 24 February 2018, 7-9pm at the Unity Brew House |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 21 December 2017 |
Sunday 17 December 2017, 6.30pm at Suckley Church |
SERVICE CANCELLED DUE TO 8 INCHES OF SNOW IN SUCKLEY The Suckley Family Orchestra will next play at the Christingle Service. If you would like to play with this informal, mixed-ability group please phone Anne Lewis for more info (884552) and she will make sure a music score is there for you. Christingle services have raised vital funds for The Children's Society since 1968, bringing love and positive changes into the lives of vulnerable children. Each year the Christmas Tree of Light comes to life after the Christingle Service and will continue shining through the Christmas Season. If you would like to shine a light of love in the churchyard in memory of a loved one, please fill in a form (obtainable at the back of the church and at Suckley Village Shop) and hand it back either to a PCC member or to Suckley Village Shop with the money. The cost is £5 per name per light. Sunday 10 December 2017, 4pm at Suckley Church |
(provided by the Community Choir), fun and laughter, to get your festivities off to a good start. The evening costs £5 which will include a glass of wine and a mince pie. For stall holders, the cost is £10 which includes the entrance fee. Tickets can be purchased from Suckley Post Office from mid-November or from Carol/Steve on 884210. The proceeds will be divided between the County Air Ambulance and the Village Hall. Please come along and help us to make this an evening to remember as well as providing a donation for the charity we are supporting. Saturday 2 December 2017, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
If you can't make this concert, there's a further chance to hear Pal Banda the next day, Sunday 26 November, 4pm in Malvern Priory. Saturday 25 November 2017, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 16 November 2017 |
Suckley church has a fine acoustic that is well suited to hosting a concert like this, but, without running water it struggles to provide basic facilities. With the help of this Volante concert and other generous folk we expect to be able to begin before Christmas making this fine building better equipped both as a church and as a useful multi-purpose space for the whole of this scattered rural community. Saturday 21 October 2017, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 19 October 2017 |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 21 September 2017 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 26 August 2017, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 17 August 2017 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 5 August 2017, 1.30-5pm |
In aid of Midlands Air Ambulance and Cotheridge Church. Performers include GR-VIII: Men in Harmony, the Community Choir at Alfrick, and Lucas Ball, keyboard. Food and drink will be available, and there will be a raffle with high quality prizes from local businesses including Holloways, Unity Brew House, The Fold, The Talbot, Laylocks Garden Centre and Lower Teme Valley Churches. Further details: www.alfrickcommunitychoir.com Saturday 29 July 2017, 7.30pm at Cotheridge Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 20 July 2017 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 8 July 2017, 1.30-5pm |
chatting, eating, drinking and fun together as a community. Some musical entertainment is lined up, but there will be space if anyone wants to step up to the mic! Please bring: A picnic Outdoor games to play in the field A smile! Mid-day until 5pm Further information: Local Leigh and Bransford event National information Sunday 18 June 2017, 12 noon at Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 15 June 2017 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 27 May 2017, 1.30-5pm |
Monday 22 May 2017, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
£10 per head, including a ploughman's supper. Tickets available from the Village Shops or phone 07957 388926 Saturday 20 May 2017, 7pm at Suckley Church |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 20 May 2017, 1.30-5pm |
Saturday 20 May 2017 at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 18 May 2017 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 8 May 2017, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 6 May 2017, 1.30-5pm |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April until September, phone 884243 Saturday 29 April 2017, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 20 April 2017 |
Bridges Stone Mill, Alfrick Pound, WR6 5HR Once a cherry orchard adjoining the mainly nineteenth century flour mill, this is now a 2.5 acre all-year-round garden laid out with trees, shrubs, mixed beds and borders. The garden is bounded by a stretch of Leigh Brook (an SSSI), from which the mill's own weir feeds a mill leat and small lake. A newly completed traditional Japanese garden and an ornamental vegetable 'potager' complete the scene. Five pounds admission (children free). Home-made teas. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Sunday 9 April 2017, 2-5.30pm |
Then the Community Choir will sing Vivaldi's well-known Gloria, accompanied by Lucas Ball, and with soloists Claire Jaggers, Kate Brewin and Lou Randall. No interval - refreshments at the end of the concert (at about 8.30pm). Tickets: £7.50 at the door Saturday 1 April 2017, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Post Office, Longley Green: 10:55-11:15am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:25am-11.30am Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 11:35-11:50am Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:05-12:20 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 16 March 2017 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 13 March 2017, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 15 December 2016 |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 17 November 2016 |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 20 October 2016 |
We're here to help our Suckley neighbours with all sorts of skills, whether it's filling in new driving licence forms, passport applications, help with shopping, dog walking or preparing for hospital stays. Even to change that out of reach, difficult light bulb! This is a perfect opportunity to see and chat with the volunteers who are here to help you and also to help us understand what you may like us to be able to offer your community in the future. There will also be informative talks on Dementia and Alzheimer's and the local Citizens Advice outreach work. Look for us also on www.suckley.services Wednesday 21 September 2016, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 15 September 2016 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Five pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, until August, phone 884243 Saturday 27 August 2016, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 18 August 2016 |
baby- and toddler-friendly environment. Janine Parsons, piano Corinne Frost, cello Lasts about 30 minutes, with coffee and cake available afterwards. There will also be some fun instruments (such as guitar and ukelele) to play on afterwards. Grown-ups £5, children free. Presented by Janine Parsons, Corinne Frost, Elgar School of Music and Suckley Church Thursday 11 August 2016, 10.30am at Suckley Church |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 1 August 2016, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 21 July 2016 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Five pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, until August, phone 884243 Saturday 16 July 2016, 1.30-5pm |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Five pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, until August, phone 884243 Saturday 25 June 2016, 1.30-5pm |
Everest, the Arctic and the Antarctic with stories and pictures from his recent trips, and against the history of these extraordinary places. No charge for entry Donations for Leigh Church and Alfrick Village Hall Usual bar facilities available Friday 17 June 2016, 7.30pm at Alfrick Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 16 June 2016 |
celebrating everything British on the Queen's official birthday. Entertainment includes a choir, with a sing-song to join in, and a picture quiz. How many great events do you remember that have happened during the Queen's long reign? The entry fee of £5 includes a two course meal. Saturday 11 June 2016, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
the National Trust's House and Gardens at Croome Park Tour at leisure, followed by tea and biscuits. Thursday 9 June 2016, 1.30pm at Croome Park |
to celebrate the Queen's birthday in the Rectory Garden There will be a short service followed by a lunch. The Community Choir will perform a couple of musical items as well as leading any singing Sunday 29 May 2016, 11.30am in the Rectory Garden, Suckley Road, Bransford |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA The gardens and woodland have been developed by the owners since 1980 and have extensive borders, unusual trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest throughout the year. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Five pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, until August, phone 884243 Saturday 28 May 2016 at |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 19 May 2016 |
Come along for a social evening when our intrepid models will, again, be strutting their stuff and showing off both ladies' and children's clothes. There is always a huge range of clothes to browse through - labels including Next, Monsoon and M&S can be found amongst the rails - all at reasonable prices. The £5 entry fee includes a glass of wine and nibbles. Don't miss the chance to add to your wardrobe and chat with friends. Saturday 23 April 2016, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 21 April 2016 |
Sunday 27 March 2016 at Suckley Church |
with the Fitzwilliam and Allegri String Quartets, plays J S Bach's Suites for Solo Cello. His Suckley recital is one of series at many churches across the UK in 2016. Easter Saturday 26 March 2016, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
Bishop Graham is planning to be at the service. Hymns accompanied by the community orchestra. Sunday 20 March 2016, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 17 March 2016 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 March 2016, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Dads are welcome too. If you don't have a Mum handy, just come and enjoy the morning anyway! Saturday 5 March 2016, 10.30am at Suckley Village Hall |
John Wilderspin, conductor Richard Cooke, organ Tickets £8 for performers and audience Proceeds to Suckley Church Flush Fund Refreshments available To book to sing, or for further information, please contact: Liz Devenish (884787 or 07929 001563) or Anne Lewis (884552 or 07957 388926) Saturday 20 February 2016 at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 18 February 2016 |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 17 December 2015 |
of the current calendar year - a talk on ELGAR'S COUNTRYSIDE. Seasonal refreshments are likely to be available Further information from Andrew Grieve, 884795 Thursday 10 December 2015, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Meet Father Christmas in his Grotto Enjoy mulled wine and a mince pie Relax with a sociable cup of tea and cake Discover and play the fun games Raffle tickets will be on sale soon Special to this year is the Christmas-themed Arts and Crafts Competition. This is open to everyone. Dream up what you could create and have a go! Entries will be displayed at the Christmas Fair and judged by Carol Boughton (of the Suckley Social Painting Group). Categories: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, High School and Adult Entries, no larger than A4 size, with name and contact details on the back or bottom, should be handed in to Suckley School or left at the back of the church by the font BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE OF 20 NOVEMBER. Saturday 28 November 2015, 11am-1pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 19 November 2015 |
Wednesday 18 November 2015, 10am at Suckley Church |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 9 November 2015, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
and see what items you can't possibly live without in your wardrobe (and for a fraction of the original cost). Saturday 17 October 2015, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 15 October 2015 |
26-28 September 2015 at Suckley Church |
Followed by a Bring and Share lunch. Sunday 27 September 2015, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 17 September 2015 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 September 2015, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
The afternoon begins with a walk through the apple orchards and hop yards, including a look at the Bruff hop picking machine in action and the working hop kilns. This will be followed by tea and cakes in the garden. Entrance free for children, with a paper donation from each family, towards the SPACE project and Fledglings Nursery. Further information from Alison Capper on 884202 or alicapper AT mac DOT com Saturday 12 September 2015, 2pm |
Organised by Suckley Local History Society Non-members are welcome at a charge of 4 pounds per person Thursday 10 September 2015, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 29 August 2015, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 20 August 2015 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 27 July 2015, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
By kind invitation of Bill and Cleone Holden. Friday 24 July 2015 at the Old Rectory at Suckley Church |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 16 July 2015 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 11 July 2015, 1.30-5pm |
This is to raise funds for the general maintenance of the Church. Help would be appreciated with donations for the stalls, or help on the day in any way. Friday 10 July 2015, 6-7.30pm(ish) at Suckley Church |
Saturday 4 July 2015 at Suckley Village Hall |
follows on from the dedication ceremony of Suckley's War Memorial. All welcome There will also be an exhibition, open all day, and created by Suckley Local History Society, which will feature biographies of those killed in World War I, plus local photos and artefacts from the same period. Both the talk and the exhibition are at the Nelson Inn Skittle Alley, just a short walk from the Old Quarry where the service and dedication take place in the morning. Saturday 27 June 2015, 2.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
from Suckley Parish who gave their lives in War', with a dedication of the newly built memorial will be conducted by the Revd Anne Potter. Saturday 27 June 2015 (Armed Forces Day), 11am at The Old Quarry, Longley Green |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission (children free). In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 20 June 2015, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times (on the third Thursday of each month): Orchard Bungalow, Suckley: 10:10-10:25am Cross Keys Inn, Suckley: 10.30-10.45am Suckley School: 10:50-11:10am Post Office, Longley Green: 11:15-11:35am Tapperdin, Bridges Stone: 11:45am-12noon Knapp Farm, Bridges Stone: 12:05-12:20pm Village Hall, Alfrick: 12:25-12:40 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Thursday 18 June 2015 |
Come along and have a chat with your friends and neighbours. If you're happy to occasionally make the odd cake or fix something with a screwdriver, the Village Hall committee would be pleased to hear from you! Saturday 30 May 2015, 10.30am to 12 noon at Suckley Village Hall |
Tuesday 26 May 2015, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Thursday 14 May 2015, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Sunday 10 May 2015, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 29 March 2015, 11am at Suckley Church |
Tickets (best bought in advance) at £5, including a glass of wine, are available from Village Hall on Mondays (2-4pm) or Tuesdays (11am-12.30pm) or phone Carol on 884210 to have the tickets delivered to you. Saturday 14 March 2015, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 12 December 2014 |
Father Christmas in his grotto Tombola Raffle Cake stall School crafts Teas and cakes Mulled wine and mince pies Saturday 6 December 2014, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 21 November 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 31 October 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 10 October 2014 |
1000 years of the History of a Norman Church at the centre of Village Life Robed monks, early music Brief offices of sung psalms: Sext (10am) Nones (3pm) Vespers (6pm) Re-enactment of St Edburga's story Treasure Trails for children Medieval refreshment - bread, cheese, cider etc Saturday 20 September 2014, 10am-6pm at St Edburga Church, Leigh |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 19 September 2014 |
(non-members welcome) Thursday 18 September 2014, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
and hopes they will be able to enjoy the Special Tea and Cakes event (see below) on Saturday 13th September during their visit to our lovely church. Part of the Festival of Churches Weekend - Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire Tea and Cakes Event - Saturday 13 September 2014, 2-4pm at St John the Baptist Church, Suckley Why not have lunch at home and then go out for a cream tea? Tea, Coffee and delicious scones and cakes Plants, produces, books and toys also available Proceeds to support children's work in the Anglican Diocese of Peru (Jenny Taylor will join a group from Anglican Churches in the Worcestershire area to visit Peru on a short term mission in November 2014. She will be funding her own international travel and local accommodation. The mission will include helping with children's projects in shanty towns, visiting the schools set up and run by the church and visiting some of the mission in the shanty towns) Donations of anything for this event will be gratefully received by Jenny Taylor (884726) Saturday and Sunday 13-14 September 2014 at Suckley Church |
on the other side of the farm gate, in the middle of the hop harvest and with the apple harvest possibly also under way. The afternoon begins with a walk through the apple orchards and hop yards, including watching the Bruff hop picking machine in action amd the working hop kilns. Then there will be a short walk back to the farm for tea and cakes on the lawn. (total walking time: 90-120 minutes) Entrance free for children, with a paper donation from each family. All funds raised will go to Suckley SPACE and Fledglings Nursery. Saturday 13 September 2014, 2-4.30pm at Stocks Farm |
for parishioners to make a short address to the councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 8 September 2014, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 30 August 2014, 1.30 to 5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 29 August 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 8 August 2014 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 26 July 2014, 1.30 to 5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 18 July 2014 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 July 2014, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Sunday 29 June 2014, 10.45am at Suckley Church |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 28 June 2014, 1.30 to 5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 27 June 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 6 June 2014 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. No dogs please Four pounds admission. In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, April to October, phone 884243 Saturday 31 May 2014, 1.30 to 5pm |
Tuesday 27 May 2014, 7pm at Coles Place, Lulsley |
Presentations by other organisations and charities/trusts Outline of the last 12 months plus plans for the future, from the Parish Council County and District Councillors' reports Chairman's Annual Report Items concerning Community Group, Suckley Playing Fields, West Mercia Police, Parish Footpaths, the Village Hall and the Parochial Church Council. Come and put your point of view. Drinks and nibbles will be available at the end of the meeting. All parishoners are most welcome to attend. Tuesday 27 May 2014, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Tuesday 20 May 2014, 10am at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 16 May 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 25 April 2014 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 4 April 2014 |
Sunday 30 March 2014, 11am at Suckley Church |
Sunday 16 March 2014, 11am at Alfrick Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 14 March 2014 |
Wednesday 12 March 2014, 10am at Suckley Church |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 10 March 2014, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Sunday 9 March 2014, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 2 March 2014, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 21 February 2014 |
Wednesday 12 February 2014, 10am at Suckley Church |
Sunday 9 February 2014, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Professional string orchestra and pianist Entrance by paper donation to Suckley SPACE fund and the Suckley Bellringers fund Details at ivor.bramich.org Saturday 8 February 2014, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Parish Hall, Alfrick 14:25-15:00 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 mobilelibraries@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 31 January 2014 |
when all ages are welcome Sunday 26 January 2014, 11am at Suckley Church |
Wednesday 15 January 2014, 10am at Suckley Church |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 13 January 2014, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Sunday 12 January 2014, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 29 December 2013, 6pm at Alfrick Church |
for everyone to celebrate together Christ's coming as a baby. Wednesday 25 December 2013, 10.30am at Suckley Church |
Tuesday 24 December 2013, 4pm at Colles Place, Lulsley |
led by the Community Choir, is at Suckley this year Sunday 22 December 2013, 6.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 20 December 2013 |
Sunday 15 December 2013, 10am at Alfrick Church |
Elizabeth Pimblett from Hereford County Museum talks about how Christmas used to be a community celebration, and how elements of this have survived in local Herefordshire and Worcestershire culture. Find out about advent fasting and celebrating until 6 January, whilst exploring the customs, food and changing attitudes and religious practices brought by the Reformation. The evening finishes with the traditional History Society hospitality and refreshments, with a festive flavour. Non-members welcome: the non-member charge at the door is four pounds. Further information from Andrew Grieve (884795) Thursday 12 December 2013, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Wednesday 11 December 2013, 10am at Suckley Church |
The Children's Society) for the whole family Sunday 8 December 2013, 4pm at Suckley Church |
'Have a Go' stalls like 'Guess Teddy's name' Cake stall; Tombola; Raffle; Bookstall Tea and cakes to sit and enjoy while Jolly Santa distributes presents to any little visitors to his Grotto Come and join the fun - everyone most welcome Saturday 7 December 2013, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 29 November 2013 |
All welcome Wednesday 20 November 2013, 8.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 11 November 2013, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Come and listen: Performance 7pm In aid of Suckley Church and Acorns Children's Hospice Tickets £8 for performers and audience, available from Liz Devenish, Red Castle, Suckley, WR6 5DN Please make cheques payable to Suckley Parish Church DOWNLOAD FULL DETAILS AND APPLICATION FORM Saturday 9 November 2013 at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 8 November 2013 |
Friday 1 November 2013 at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 18 October 2013 |
Sunday 13 October 2013, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Sunday 6 October 2013 at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 27 September 2013 |
Sunday 22 September 2013, 11am at Suckley Church |
Proceeds to be divided between Suckley Church and Worcester and Dudley Historic Churches Trust. Sunday 15 September 2013, 2pm at Suckley Church |
Saturday 14 September 2013 at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 6 September 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 16 August 2013 |
Wednesday 14 August 2013, 10am at Suckley Church |
Sunday 28 July 2013, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 26 July 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 5 July 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 14 June 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 24 May 2013 |
Put your point to the Parish Council All residents welcome Monday 20 May 2013, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 3 May 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 12 April 2013 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 22 March 2013 |
Wednesday 20 March 2013, 8.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 11 March 2013, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 1 March 2013 |
Friday 22 February 2013, evening at The Nelson Inn |
Please try to be a patron of The Nelson, in return for meeting there. If uncertain about the weather, please contact Garth on 833362. Friday 22 February 2013 at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 11:20-11:40 Suckley School 11:45-12:10 Post Office, Longley Green 12:20-13:00 Bridges Stone, Alfrick 13:50-14:10 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 8 February 2013 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 January 2013, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 28 December 2012 |
Wednesday 19 December 2012, 8.30pm start at The Nelson Inn |
Do come and join us - all are very welcome Saturday 15 December 2012, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 7 December 2012 |
The Hive will contain over 26,000 records of historic sites and buildings, and twelve miles of original documents, documenting the history of Worcestershire from after the last Ice Age to the present day, brought to life by photos, maps, plans and archaeological finds, and all supported by the latest technologies. Thursday 22 November 2012 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 16 November 2012 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 12 November 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
open meeting about the future of Suckley Church. Wednesday 7 November 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 26 October 2012 |
£5 for a tasty home-cooked two course meal Please book via Mildred Griffiths 884194 or Anne Lewis 07957 388926 Sunday 7 October 2012, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 5 October 2012 |
A walk on the Suckley Hills, followed by cream teas Also a raffle and a tombola The organisers, Jenny Taylor (nee Griffiths), June Mifflin and Jean Davies (nee Lloyd) are looking for: - wedding dresses through the decades - wedding photos of people married at Suckley Church - volunteers to help - sponsors of flower arrangements (in memory of someone close) If you can help, please contact Jenny Taylor on 884726 Saturday and Sunday 22-23 September 2012 at Suckley Church |
Sunday 23 September 2012, 6pm at Suckley Church |
Wednesday 19 September 2012, 8.30pm start at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 14 September 2012 |
£4 at the door (or £10 annual subscription, which includes free entry to all five meetings) Thursday 13 September 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 10 September 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 25 August 2012, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 24 August 2012 |
Wednesday 15 August 2012, 8.30pm start at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 3 August 2012 |
for a walk back along the ridge. Please try to be a patron of The Nelson, in return for meeting there. If uncertain about the weather, please contact Garth on 833362. Tuesday 31 July 2012, 10am at The Nelson Inn |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 16 July 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 14 July 2012, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 13 July 2012 |
with connections to the United Brethren and the early Mormon (Latter Day Saints) Church. Walk, talk and tea. Limited to 25 people. Transport not provided, but it should be possible to share. Non-members welcome. Further information from the chairman, Andrew Grieve on 884795 Saturday 30 June 2012 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 22 June 2012 |
Family Fun Sports Day, 2.30pm (One pound entrance for adults; children free) Includes a bouncy castle, stalls, ice creams and cream teas, plus a special performance by Arthur Bancroft's Suckley Children's Folk Orchestra Family Barn Dance, from 7pm with Stone the Crows Ceilidh Band, bar, pig roast and raffle Tickets four pounds (child), eight pounds (adult) and twenty pounds (family) include a limited amount of drinks and are available from Holloways Garden Centre, Suckley Post Office or by phoning 01886 884795. Monday 4 June 2012 at Suckley Playing Field, Church Lane |
Outside BBQ on Saturday Pig Roast on Sunday Saturday 2 June to Monday 4 June 2012 at The Nelson Inn |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 2 June 2012, 1.30-5pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 1 June 2012 |
Put your point to the Parish Council All residents welcome Monday 21 May 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
The church has some neglected corners and and the churchyard has some overgrown areas, some areas where rubbish has accumulated and some old graves needing a tidy-up and a bit of love. Will anyone with a personal interest in the church and/or churchyard please come along at any time during the day to help us de-clutter and tidy up. Bin bags and refreshments provided. Saturday 19 May 2012, all day at Suckley Church |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 19 May 2012, 1.30-5pm |
Five pounds per person, including tea, coffee and biscuits Tickets from Suckley Post Office or at the door. Friday 18 May 2012 at Suckley Village Hall |
Teams of up to five people Prizes for winners Wednesday 16 May 2012, 8.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 May 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 11 May 2012 |
Held in aid of Suckley Church and Suckley and Alfrick Pre-School. Thursday 10 May 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 5 May 2012, 1.30-5pm |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 (8 miles west of Worcester. Turn right off the A4103 opposite Storridge Church to Birchwood. After 1.25miles, turn left down a steep tarmac drive. Please park on the roadside, but drive down if walking is difficult.) Saturday 28 April 2012, 1.30-5pm |
Doors and bar open at 7pm Tickets from Phil on 01886 832229 Thursday 26 April 2012, 7.30pm at Alfrick and Lulsley Village Hall |
Sunday 22 April 2012, 11am at Leigh Church |
Not-ticketed - just turn up. Donations to Leigh Church. Saturday 21 April 2012, 7.30pm at Leigh Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 20 April 2012 |
in the Hereford / Worcester border area £4 at the door (or £10 annual subscription, which includes free entry to all five meetings) Thursday 19 April 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Sunday 1 April 2012, 11am at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 30 March 2012 |
Sunday 25 March 2012, 11am at Suckley Church |
Doors and bar open at 7pm Tickets (adults £8.50, children £6) from Phil on 01886 832229 Sunday 25 March 2012, 7.30pm at Alfrick and Lulsley Village Hall |
Sunday 18 March 2012, 11am at Alfrick Church |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 12 March 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 9 March 2012 |
Thursday 8 March 2012, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Doors and bar open at 6.30pm Tickets (adults £8.50, children £6) from Phil on 01886 832229 Friday 2 March 2012, 7pm at Alfrick and Lulsley Village Hall |
Sunday 26 February 2012, 11am at Suckley Church |
Sunday 19 February 2012, 11am at Alfrick Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 17 February 2012 |
Sunday 12 February 2012, 6pm at Suckley Church |
as a governess for Adele, a child under the custody of Thornfield's brooding master, Edward Rochester. As Jane looks back upon the tumultuous events that led to her escape, from her childhood as an orphan to the cruel charity school where she was consigned, she realises that she must return to Thornfield - to secure her own future, and to come to terms with the terrible secret which Rochester had hoped to hide from her forever. A film based on the novel of the same name by Charlotte Brontë, directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, screenplay by Moira Buffini, music by Dario Marianelli and starring Judi Dench, Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell and Sally Hawkins. Tickets £4.50 from 01886 832659 - Bar opens at 7pm Friday 10 February 2012, 7.30pm at Alfrick and Lulsley Village Hall |
look and feel fantastic, using the new season’s fashions from designers and the High Street. Tuesday 7 February 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm at Holloways |
with The Flower Patch Company. Thursday 2 February 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm at Holloways |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 27 January 2012 |
Friday 27 January 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm at Holloways |
Thursday 26 January 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm at Holloways |
knowledge from interior design expert Louisa Wyatt. Tuesday 17 January 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm at Holloways |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 9 January 2012, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
In aid of Suckley Church, Village Hall, Pre-school and School Saturday 3 December 2011, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Hereford Photography Festival Fringe, which runs from 28 October until 26 November 2011. Further information at www.photofest.org and www.holloways.co.uk 28 October - 26 November 2011 at Holloways |
There are two introductory group talks and tours of the school (one at 9.15am and one at 10.30am), and a short event at 12.15pm to celebrate converting to an Academy. Contact the school secretary to book one of the slots or tell the school that you're attending the celebration: 884283 Thursday 3 November 2011 at Suckley School |
and the Knapp and Papermill Nature Reserve, repeated by popular request. Sturdy footwear and suitable winter clothing advised. Please bring a packed lunch. The walk will not be attended by trained medical staff, so those attending do so at their own risk. Booking essential: 01905 855184 or eht@worc.ac.uk Estimated finishing time: 3pm. Cost: £1.50 Saturday 8 October 2011, 10am start at Alfrick Village Hall |
Five pounds per person (two pounds for the under sixteens) All welcome, but please notify Anne Lewis (884 552) if you're coming, for catering numbers Sunday 2 October 2011, after church at The Greenhouse Cafe at Holloways |
and MARS (Mercia Accident Rescue Service) Entry to the event is free, and there will be refreshments and stalls. MARS will give a demonstration of their services and equipment. A ticket to play 'Farmyard Bingo' (also known as Cow Pat Bingo) will cost five pounds. There's a fifty pound cash prize for the winner (whose square receives the farmyard animal's deposit). Further information about the event from Catriona (884270) Further information about MARS at www.marsbasics.org.uk Saturday 24 September 2011, 2pm at Suckley School |
Sunday 31 July 2011, 12.30pm at Pewcroft Farm |
Earlybird tickets (purchased before 21 July 2011): £12.50 (adults), £7 (children) Full priced tickets: £15 (adults), £10 (children) from 07747 031701 or online at www.oddsocks.co.uk Gates open at 5.30pm. This is an outdoor performance ... please bring a seat and suitable clothing. Thursday 28 July 2011, 7.30pm at Whitbourne Hall |
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust 'Alfrick and the Suckley Hills circular' - 5 miles, moderate, with some climbs. A walk through Alfrick, Crews Hill Nature Reserve and the Knapp Papermill Nature Reserve. Bring a packed lunch. Start: 10am at Alfrick Village Hall (SO 747532) Finish: 3pm Booking: 01905 855184 Cost: £1.50 Thursday 9 June 2011 |
with a shorter cicrular walk for very young families. To walk, please register at school before 11am Cost (£ 2) includes fun activity sheet Post-walk refreshments and activities back at school include hot pork rolls, tombola, cake stall and games for children from 12 noon Further details from Suckley School Friends (884226) Sunday 22 May 2011, 10am-2pm at Suckley School |
Saturday 21 May 2011, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Put your point to the Parish Council All residents welcome Glass of wine with nibbles Monday 16 May 2011, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
for mothers and grandmothers. Sunday 3 April 2011, 11am at Suckley Church |
Tickets at 4 pounds a head from Suckley Post Office (884201) or at the door Teams of up to four people Bring your own drinks and nibbles - glasses provided Saturday 12 March 2011, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Winning Team Prizes GBP 2.50 per person Basket meals available at GBP 5.95 Book in advance by phoning 832576 Friday 4 March 2011, 7pm at The Nelson Inn |
Tuesday 1 March 2011, 10am-3pm at Holloways |
Ticket price (8 pounds, from Suckley Post Office, 884201) includes a donation to support the work of Help for Heroes and the Hill Trust. NOTE: Advanced ticket purchase is strongly recommended as previous chapters in the story have sold out very quickly! Saturday 26 February 2011, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Thursday 24 February 2011, 9.30am-4.30pm at Holloways |
Thursday 10 February 2011, 10am-4pm at Holloways |
Thursday 3 February 2011, 10am-3pm at Holloways |
Worcester West Rural Team Sunday 30 January 2011, 11am at Leigh Church |
Thursday 27 January 2011, 10am-3pm at Holloways |
eat and enjoy Saturday 22 January 2011 at Suckley Village Hall |
Thursday 20 January 2011, 9.30am-4.30pm at Holloways |
Thursday 13 January 2011, 10am-4.30pm at Holloways |
(not at Suckley, as previously advertised) Friday 24 December 2010, 11pm at LEIGH CHURCH |
£55 inc. lunch Thursday 9 December 2010, 10am-3pm at Holloways |
(not 4.30pm as previously advertised) Sunday 5 December 2010, 4pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 3 December 2010 |
Proceeds to Suckley School and Suckley Church for Worcestershire and Dudley Historic Churches Trust Wine and Nibbles Further information from Mary Barnes on 884170 or 07966 168433 Friday 3 December 2010, 7pm at Suckley Church |
£69 inc. lunch Friday 3 December 2010, 10am-4pm at Holloways |
Sunday 28 November 2010, 11am at Suckley Church |
Tombola, Cakes, Mince Pies, Christmas Decorations and more ... In aid of Suckley Pre-school, School PTA, Church and Village Hall Saturday 27 November 2010, 2-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Don't tear your hair out! Louise Anton is on hand to solve all your laptop problems. This informal computer day will cover all the same home-computing topics as before - but on Windows Vista. £39.00 inc. lunch Thursday 25 November 2010, 10am-4.30pm at Holloways |
In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Entry Free Thursday 18 November 2010, 8.30am-5pm at Holloways |
Wednesday 17 November 2010, 9.30am - 12 noon at Suckley School |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 12 November 2010 |
Whatever your home computing needs - from online shopping, downloading photos or software, to purchasing a new computer, or printer - Louise Anton has it covered! £39.00 inc. lunch Thursday 11 November 2010, 10am-4.30pm at Holloways |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 8 November 2010, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
£45 inc. supper and wine Thursday 4 November 2010, 7.30pm at Holloways |
Anne Bradford with ghost stories and eye witness accounts Saturday 30 October 2010 at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 22 October 2010 |
Friday 8 October 2010 at Suckley Village Hall |
Proceeds to Suckley Village Hall and Church Tickets are available from the usual village outlets. Friday 8 October 2010, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Walk with fun activities - 2 pounds. Food and drink, hot and cold, back at the school, with cake sale and raffle. 10am-2pm A fundraising event organised by Suckley School Friends Association (830085) Sunday 3 October 2010, 10am at Suckley School |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 1 October 2010 |
Sunday 26 September 2010, 11am at Suckley Church |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 18 September 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 13 September 2010, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 10 September 2010 |
Sunday 5 September 2010, 11am at Suckley Church |
seeing a bit of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Details: Garth Lowe (833362) Friday 27 August 2010, 10am at The Nelson Inn |
Friday 20 August 2010, evening at The Nelson Inn |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 20 August 2010 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 14 August 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
in aid of Suckley Pre-school and Church (by kind permission of Mr and Mrs R Capper) Friday 13 August 2010, 7pm in Stocks Farm Garden |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 30 July 2010 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 10 July 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 9 July 2010 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 26 June 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 18 June 2010 |
one free bet on the first race. (50p tote) Tickets from Suckley Post Office, 884201 Proceeds to Village Hall Saturday 5 June 2010, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 29 May 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 28 May 2010 |
Put your point to the Parish Council All residents welcome Glass of wine with nibbles Agenda items include: - County and District Councillors' Reports - Woodland Road Flood Relief - Community Plan - Hill Trust/Village Hall Report - Suckley Primary School - Suckley Playing Fields - West Mercia Police - Footpaths in the Parish - Parochial Church Council - Chairman's Annual Report Monday 17 May 2010, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 15 May 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 7 May 2010 |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 1 May 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
Shuttifield Cottage, Birchwood, Storridge WR13 5HA Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas under thatch. No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Also by appointment, phone 884243 Saturday 24 April 2010, 1.30-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 16 April 2010 |
Wednesday 31 March 2010, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 26 March 2010 |
Four pounds per person - tickets from Suckley PO and Stores to include a light supper. Bring your own drinks - glasses provided. Teams of four people - prizes for overall winners with highest score, and for lowest score. Raffle prizes Saturday 20 March 2010, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 5 March 2010 |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 12 February 2010 |
Details: 884283 Friday 5 February 2010, 7pm for 7.30pm start at Suckley Village Hall |
on Friday 11 December 2009 at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 11 December 2009 |
Music by Arthur Bancroft Raffle Tickets 8 pounds per person (with a limit of 50 tickets) available from Suckley School (884283) or Nadia Avis / Daniel Lee (07855 700410) Friday 4 December 200, 7.30pm at The Steps, Crews Hill, Suckley |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 20 November 2009 |
www.suckley.worcs.sch.uk Thursday 5 November 2009, 9.30am - 12noon at Suckley School |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 30 October 2009 |
Admission: eight pounds per person, which includes: a hot supper and a bet on the first race. Bring your own drinks. Tickets from Tom Talbot (884711) or Suckley Post Office (884201) Saturday 24 October 2009, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 9 October 2009 |
Entry fee: twelve pounds per team of four, which also includes a light supper with desert. (Please bring your own drinks.) Prizes for the teams with the highest and lowest scores. Raffle. Pre-register your team with Tom Talbot (884711) or at Suckley Post Office (884201) Saturday 26 September 2009, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Friday 25 September 2009, 9.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 19 September 2009, 1pm-5.30pm |
at the following times: Cross Keys 13:45-14:00 New Road Estate 14:10-14:25 Post Office, Longley Green 14:40-15:35 Enquiries to Malvern Library, Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2HU, phone 01905 822722 malvernmobile@worcestershire.gov.uk Friday 18 September 2009 |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 September 2009, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
beginning and ending at The Nelson Inn and taking in Suckley Church and a few new paths. Be prepared for stiles and possibly mud. Details: Garth Lowe (833362) Tuesday 25 August 2009, 10am at The Nelson Inn |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 8 August 2009, 1pm-5.30pm |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 13 July 2009, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please In aid of the National Gardens Scheme charity: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 4 July 2009, 1pm-5.30pm |
Sunday 31 May 2009, 11am at Suckley Church |
Sixteen pounds per team of four people (including a ploughmans' supper) Prizes for highest and lowest scores, best original team, and raffle To book your team, call Tom Talbot (884711), Chris Dunn (884497) or Suckley Post Office (884201) Saturday 25 April 2009, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
so if you love horses or you're a racing enthusiast, don't miss this event. Suckley Village Hall presents an evening with Jim. Caterers will serve a two course supper at 7.30pm Bring your own drinks Jim Lewis will entertain after the meal. Entrance only by ticket, fifteen pounds per person, including the cost of the meal. All proceeds to St Richard's Hospice and the Suckley Village Hall Refurbishment Fund. Deadline for tickets: Sunday 8 March 2009 - available from Tom Talbot (884711), Chris Dunn (884497), Margaret Davies (884301) or Suckley Post Office (884201) Wednesday 18 March 2009, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Please contact Sue Anderson (Suckley 884357) for details Thursday 15 January 2009 at Suckley Village Hall |
Come and join in (music provided) or come and listen to singers from Worcestershire and London at : 6.45pm outside the Post Office in Longley Green 7.15-7.45pm Damson Way 8-8.30pm at The Nelson (Village Party) 9-9.30pm at The Cross Keys or invite us to sing at your house - contact us via the Suckley website Saturday 20 December 2008, 6.45pm - 9.30pm |
Further information by phoning 884283 or via www.suckley.worcs.sch.uk Wednesday 19 November 2008, 9.30am-12noon at Suckley School |
organised by the Suckley Local History Society Snacks and a glass of wine available at the end of the meeting. £3.50 per person (members £2.50) Thursday 13 November 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 10 November 2008, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Friday 31 October 2008, 9.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
Tickets at 25 pounds on sale from 1 September from Holloways, 01886 884665 Wine and post-concert hog roast also available Saturday 4 October 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Church |
Saturday 27 September 2008, 9.30pm at The Nelson Inn |
Local businesses wanting to promote their own services or to take part in this community event are invited to book stall space - please contact the Suckley School Friends' secretary on 884259. Saturday 27 September 2008, 11am-4pm at Suckley Primary School and Suckley Church |
Set up time: 9am Bring unwanted items and turn them into cash on your stall. To include: browse and buy, baby clothes, greeting cards, books/CDs/videos, bric-a-brac and jumble. Refreshments available Some tables still available: to book, call Tom Talbot 884711, Chris Dunn 884497, Margaret Davies 884301 or Suckley Post Office 884201 Saturday 20 September 2008, 10am-4pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Details from Garth Lowe on 833362. Thursday 18 September 2008, 10am at The Nelson Inn |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 9 August 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 19 July 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
for parishioners to make a short address to the Councillors for discussion in the meeting. Monday 14 July 2008, 7pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Admission: 8am for sellers and 9am for buyers (until 12 noon) Ten pounds per boot Hotdogs, bacon baps, cakes and soft drinks on sale Sunday 13 July 2008 at Lower Court Farm |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission four pounds fifty (including a glass of wine) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Thursday 3 July 2008, 5-8pm |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 28 June 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
Barbourn cider and perry, locally sourced at Breads Strawberries courtesy of John and Jill Lewis Champagne raffle and other prizes Admission by ticket only, seven pounds per person Over 18s only Tickets from : Tom Talbot, 884711; Chris Dunn, 884497; Margaret Davies, 884301 or Suckley Post Office, 884201 Saturday 21 June 2008, 7.45pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 7 June 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 24 May 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
Friday 16 May 2008, 8pm at The Nelson Inn |
unwanted presents, gifts and other items needed Please phone 884711, 884497, 884301 or 884201 to donate prizes Saturday 10 May 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Enjoy this three acre garden, with extensive mixed borders, unusual trees, shrubs, perennials, large old-rose garden, twenty acre woodland walk and ponds. Plants for sale and teas. Admission three pounds fifty (children free) Also by appointment, phone 884243 No dogs please The National Gardens Scheme: www.ngs.org.uk Saturday 3 May 2008, 1pm to 5.30pm |
(including a ploughman's supper) Prizes for the winning team and the most original team name Quizmaster: Gwyn Williams All proceeds to Village Hall 'Damp Aid Fund' To book tickets, call 884711, 884497, 884301 or 884201 Saturday 12 April 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Stand Up Sit Down Bingo Novelty Raffle Hot Supper (cottage pie and apple crumble) Bring your own beverage Five pounds per person Book early to aid catering and avoid disappointment Tickets from Tom Talbot 884711, Chris Dunn 884497, Margaret Davies 884301 or Suckley Post Office 884201. Saturday 15 March 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Light refreshments provided Tuesday 26 February 2008, 8pm at Suckley Village Hall |
Pig roast, bar, silent auction and raffle In aid of Suckley Church Tower Appeal Tickets: £10 (entrance only) £15 (including pork and pudding) from Suckley Post Office, Holloways or any PCC member Friday 1 February 2008, from 7pm at Leigh and Bransford Village Hall |
Please book in advance by calling Chris Dunn (884497), Margaret Davies (884301), Tom Talbot (884711) or Suckley Post Office (884201) Saturday 26 January 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |
(Speaker: Bernard Mills, chairman of Kays Heritage Group) Thursday 17 January 2008, 7.30pm at Suckley Village Hall |